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  • Leads weekly Shabbat services on Friday nights and Saturday mornings with piano and self-accompanied on guitar.

  • Chants weekly Torah (seven aliyot + maftir) and Haftarah portions; recruits/prepares congregants to chant.

  • Serves as the director of the B’nei Mitzvah program, setting policies, providing tutoring, and officiating ceremonies.

  • Officiates lifecycle events, including weddings, funerals, B’nei Mitzvah services, baby naming ceremonies, shiva minyanim etc.

  • Teaches music (prayers, holiday songs, Israeli music, liturgy etc.) three days per week in the Religious School for grades K-7.

  • Teaches music twice per week in the preschool and leads weekly Tot-Shabbat services.

  • Teaches Hebrew High School twice per month, focusing on topics ranging from Israeli history from ancient times-present,

  • Jewish identity, anti-Semitism, Zionism and anti-Zionism, Jewish denominational differences, and more.

  • Serves as the choir director alongside a longstanding lay leader; prepares them for High Holiday services and other events throughout the year, such as Interfaith services, Holiday concerts, Shabbat Shira etc.  

Temple Beth Rishon

Wyckoff, NJ


Congregation Rodeph Sholom
New York, NY


  • Co-led the Shacharit service with a Rabbi each Shabbat on Zoom; Self-accompanied on guitar and with digital piano tracks.

  • Tutored B'nei Mitzvah students and taught trope cantillation classes.

  • Officiated at B'nei Mitzvah services both virtually (on Zoom) and in person at CRS.

  • Served on the Beit Din for a Jewish conversion ceremony.

  • Helped to organize and pre-record virtual High Holiday services alongside the clergy team during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Congregation Beth Yam Hilton Head, SC


  • Led High Holiday, Friday night, and Saturday morning B’nei Mitzvah services alongside the Rabbi.

  • Directed Torah study on Saturday mornings alongside the Rabbi.

  • Engaged in community outreach, making visits to nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

  • Performed concerts for both the Beth Yam and greater Hilton Head community.

  • Taught music to Hebrew school students on Sunday mornings and led the Boker Tov family service.

The Jewish Community Project

New York, NY


  • Acted as their first Cantor, creating musical cohesion between the religious school, B’nei Mitzvah program, and services.

  • Served as a recruiter for the Downtown Jews publicizing events and engaging members for activities such as Shabbat Spirituality (yoga, followed by hors d’oeuvres and Havdalah) and the Young Influencer's Speaker Series. 

  • Worked as a community outreach volunteer for local soup kitchens and charity events.

  • Tutored students one-on-one, teaching them Hebrew prayers, Torah and Haftorah cantillation, and guiding them through the B’nei Mitzvah process while exploring the meaning and significance of specific Jewish traditions.       

  • Taught Hebrew to third graders, guiding them in workbook exercises and developing “decoding” skills.

East End Temple

New York, NY

  • ​Provided individualized tutoring for students, teaching them the meaning, proper recitation, and melodies of Jewish prayers.

  • Taught Torah and Haftorah cantillation and guided students through the B’nai Mitzvah process.


Temple Emanuel

Roanoke, VA

  • Organized and collaborated to create meaningful and musical High Holiday services alongside the Rabbi and Music Director.

  • Planned and performed monthly Shabbat services, taught B’nei Mitzvah students, led musical programs such as the Holocaust Memorial Service, and engaged in community outreach.



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©2020 by Olivia Brodsky.

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